Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Softball Runner-Ups

Earlier in the year, our softball team "Jim's Orphans" went from last-to-first to win our summer softball league.

For the Fall League, we came in 2nd place. The trophy was almost better than our first place trophy (except for the lettering), and the fact we didn't receive t-shirts this time.

But hey, we went from being the worst team in the league for the past three seasons to finished first and second this year with a combined record of 18-3. Yes, I will take that.

Until next spring


Laura Lee said...

Way to go Orphans. Sorry I missed it.

Craig Barlow B. said...

You guys have really done it.

Jaime Van Hoose Steele said...

I'm a little nervous for next season since you boys are going up a league. I still have faith in you though and will be there to cheer you on at every game. You guys rocked it this year!! Congrats!